Photoshop is expensive and not very friendly. The Gimp is free, but it really annoys me with all that floating panes over my desktop. But now you have Splashup. Yes, finally I can finally stop my restless sleeping nights... Or maybe I'm exaggerating. Anyway, splashup is an online flash application with advanced graphical editing capabilities, ans is also surprisingly very easy to use. Maybe the adobe guys should learn something with splashup fellows...
This is just to crazy for not to show. BlendTec is a company that fabricates blenders, and are willing to do about anything to show you how good their blenders are. And they have fancy videos, presented by a crazy guy named Tom Dickson, to prove it. Also, you can suggest an object to blend. Don't think on golf balls or snow skis, they've already done it. You have to think harder...
Hum, a fresh new search engine... They claim to be better than Google, and I must admit that all the searches I've tried gave-me satisfactory results. I won't say better, but different... The latest "future google killer" is here with a ultra sophisticated web search concept. They have the looks, so give them a try, they worthy of it.
I've written an article about Cuil on Helium (Which ranked N. 1 :-D ) under the discussion Does poses a real threat to Google. I voted for the NO side, click to read.
PS. Cuil is an Irish word pronounced "cool", which is undoubtedly favorite word...
Ever wanted to be a Simpsons character? Now you have the opportunity to see how you'd look as a Springfield inhabitant. Very fun and addictive, try it with all your family members and build your own crazy neurotic family ;-)
Ever wanted to write your own music? This is website is coolness at the top, here you can create and save your musics for free, and it's really easy to make music that sounds good. I've created a music with ultra fancy sounds, and I don't even know what those musical symbols mean...
In conversation, the dual flexing of the index and middle finger of both hands, to signify the presence of scare quotes. Used ad nauseam by 'pretentious' and ostensibly 'intelligent' university students, to advertise their 'superior morals' and 'erudition'.
Using air quotes in this example is, like, so 'post-modern'.
You'll have to take a look for yourselves, type in a domain name of any website and browse it exactly how it was at any given date since it's existence. One of my personal favorites...
Besides the usual post by post navigation I want to provide other ways to navigate this blog.
Tag Cloud
On the right sidebar you’ll find the tag cloud, where you can see the most used tags on my posts. I try to tag my posts in a way related to the subject but also in a way that can relate the links with common features. Most common tags are:
Link: don’t know why I did it like this, but is a common tag for all the posts
Cool: I just love the word, and that’s the word I use to classify the links where you can become addicted. Maybe addictive was the right word, and in fact, I also use it, but I prefer “cool”
Fun and Useful: self explanatory
No registration: You don’t need to register
Registration required: The opposite
Application: Usually flash based websites that work as desktop based software and where you can have some sort of productivity
Collaborative: Community based websites, or just websites where users collaborate with the content
Search Bar
Right bellow the tag cloud there’s a search text box, to search for specific content on this blog. It’s Google powered, but you don’t have to leave the blog, the results appear right way in the content area. You can also search the web from there.
Feeling Lucky
Click the feeling lucky link and get a random post with a random website.
This blog isn't about anything in particular; basically it provides links to other websites where you pass some spare time, and maybe achieve some of these goals I have in mind for my readers:
Have a good laugh and get some fun alone or with friends or family
Find some useful tools that will be of great use to you
Who knows, maybe you’ll find your passion in life or a great way for you to free it
This blog is also for my personal amusement, and maybe (let me be honest) to help my monthly budget grow a bit.
I realize the blog is somewhat difficult to navigate, so I provided some navigation hints to help my readers.